Here we examine the exometabolite composition of desert biological soil crusts (biocrusts) and the substrate preferences of seven biocrust isolates. The biocrust’s main primary producer releases a diverse array of metabolites, and isolates of physically associated taxa use unique subsets of the complex metabolite pool. Individual isolates use only 13−26% […]
39 posts
Here we review exometabolomics approaches and applications to show how this simple technique can provide critical insights into phenotypes, cellular interactions and environmental transformations. We highlight how this approach can be used in rapid phenotyping assays that are becoming popular in drug development, synthetic biology, biofuel development, and investigating the […]
In this article we describe the development of a simple soil metabolomics workflow and a novel spike recovery approach for the analysis of soil organic matter (SOM). The cycling of SOM by microorganisms is a critical component of the global carbon cycle but remains poorly understood. There is an emerging […]