
Current TeamAffiliates & StudentsAlumni
Trent Northen
Trent Northen
Principal Investigator
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Ben Bowen
Ben Bowen
Principal Investigator
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Peter Andeer
Peter Andeer
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Markus de Raad
Markus de Raad
LinkedIn  Publications  Email
Yezhang Ding
Yezhang Ding
LinkedIn  Publications  Email
Suzanne Kosina
Suzanne Kosina
LinkedIn  Publications  Email
Jon Lin
Jon Lin
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Katherine Louie
Katherine Louie
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Vlastamil Novak
Vlastamil Novak
LinkedIn  Publications  ORCID  Email
Thomas Harwood
Thomas Harwood
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Nak Hyun Kim
Nak Hyun Kim
Post-Doctoral Researcher
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Clement Nicolle
Clement Nicolle
Post-Doctoral Researcher
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Margaret Lozano
Margaret Lozano
Administrative Support
Meghana Faltane
Meghana Faltane
Principal Research Associate
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Amber Golini
Amber Golini
Senior Research Associate
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Mimi Lynde
Mimi Lynde
Senior Research Associate
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Chelsea Hernandez
Chelsea Hernandez
Research Associate
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Anthony Meza
Anthony Meza
Research Associate
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Jenny Onely
Jenny Onely
Research Affiliate
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Kai Deng
Kai Deng
Research Affiliate
JBEI  Email
Kshitz Gupta
Kshitz Gupta
Research Affiliate
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Ananya Vittaladevuni
Student Assistant
Geneva Mar
Geneva Mar
Student Assistant
Kenzo Khoo
Student Assistant
Zoila Aponte
Zoila Aponte
Student Researcher
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Microbiology PhD student at UC Berkeley Taga Lab
Research in Northen Lab:
Investigating microbial interactions and communities through grasses
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Richard Baran
Richard Baran
Post-Doctoral Researcher
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Founder of Baran Biosciences
Research in Northen Lab:
Mapping microbial metabolism and metabolic interactions
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Bailey Bonet
Bailey Bonet
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Assay Development Scientist at Perceive Biotherapeutics, Inc.
Sarah Brecht
Sarah Brecht
Student Assistant
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
PhD Student at University of Zurich
Vanessa Brisson
Vanessa Brisson
Research Affiliate
About Me
Post-Northen Lab: Microbiology Research Scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Lab
Research in Northen Lab:
Researching the role of metabolites in the microbial communities of plants and algae
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Xiaoliang Cheng
Xiaoliang Cheng
Post-Doctoral Researcher
About Me
Research in Northen Lab:
High throughput metabolic and activity screening
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Matthew Chu
Matthew Chu
Student Assistant
About Me
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Jason Cole
Jason Cole
Student Assistant
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Student at California State University, East Bay
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Estelle Couradeau
Estelle Couradeau
Post-Doctoral Researcher
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Assistant Professor at Penn State University
Research in Northen Lab:
Soil physical structure matters!
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Spencer Diamond
Spencer Diamond
Research Affiliate
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Principal Investigator at Innovative Genomics Institute at University of Berkeley
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Megan Danielewicz
Megan Danielewicz
Post-Doctoral Researcher
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
LCMS Scientist at Stanford University
Research in Northen Lab:
Metabolomics of Microbial Interactions
David Deng
David Deng
Student Assistant
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Software Engineer at Plaid
Research in Northen Lab:
Learning to use python for metabolite analysis
Tristan de Rond
Tristan de Rond
Affiliate Graduate Student
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Postdoctoral Fellow at Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Research in Northen Lab:
Expanding the scope of enzymatic reactions monitored using NIMS
Marco Duenas
Marco Duenas
Student Assistant
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
UC Berkeley PhD Candidate at Merchant Lab
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Todd Duncombe
Todd Duncombe
Post-Doctoral Researcher
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Senior Innovation Engineer at Novo Nordisk
Research in Northen Lab:
Assay development at the interface of droplet microfluidics and mass spectrometry to streamline the discovery and optimization of biomanufacturing pathways.
LinkedIn  Publications
Onur Erbilgin
Onur Erbilgin
Post-Doctoral Researcher
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Biological Data Scientist at Amyris, Inc.
Research in Northen Lab:
Microbial Community Dynamics
LinkedIn  Publications
Oséias Rodrigues Feitosa Junior
Oséias Rodrigues Feitosa Junior
Affiliate, Graduate Student Visitor
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Postdoctoral Associate at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Research in Northen Lab:
Unveiling a plant-pathogen’s metabolome
Curt Fischer
Curt Fischer
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Head of the Metabolic Chemistry Analysis Center at Stanford University
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Jian Gao
Jian Gao
Post-Doctoral Researcher
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Postdoctoral Fellow at Berkeley Lab
Research in Northen Lab:
High Sensitivity Nanostructure-Initiator Mass Spectrometry (NIMS)
LinkedIn  Publications
Kristen Geibel
Kristen Geibel

About Me
Research in Northen Lab:
Development of fabricated ecosystems
I make custom fabricated ecosystems (EcoFABS) and set up and maintain live plants for experiments.
Noel Ha
Noel Ha
Post-Doctoral Researcher
About Me
Research in Northen Lab:
High-throughput screening of metabolites and enzyme activity via microfluidics.
La Zhen Han
La Zhen Han
Research Associate
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Senior Research Associate at Pivot Bio
Research in Northen Lab:
Fabricated ecosystem development and sample processing
Joshua Heinemann
Joshua Heinemann
Post-Doctoral Researcher
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Staff Scientist/Engineer at Montana Nanotechnology Facility at Montana State University-Bozeman
Research in Northen Lab:
Development of microfluidics based NIMS techniques to improve engineered organisms for biofuel and natural product synthesis
Yuntao Hu
Yuntao Hu
Post-Doctoral Researcher
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Data Scientist at PrognomiQ Inc
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Nicole Ing
Nicole Ing
Post-Doctoral Researcher
About Me
Research in Northen Lab:
Development of high-throughput enzyme assays to study enzymes involved in lignocellulosic breakdown.
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Lauren Jabusch
Lauren Jabusch
Post-Doctoral Researcher
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Business Development Specialist at Berkeley Lab
Research in Northen Lab:
How can plants thrive under stress?
Stefan Jenkins
Stefan Jenkins
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Director of Analytical Chemistry at Inscripta, Inc.
Research in Northen Lab:
Developing large-scale profiling applications to understand complex metabolic processes in cellular systems
Mia Jones
Mia Jones
Student Assistant
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Imperial College London, Bachelor’s degree program in biochemistry
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Jacob Jordan
Jacob Jordan
Post-Doctoral Researcher
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
ACS Analytical Graduate Research Fellow
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Ashley Kang
Ashley Kang

About Me
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Ulas Karaoz
Ulas Karaoz
Research Scientist
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Staff Computational Biologist Research Scientist at Berkeley Lab
Research in Northen Lab:

Understanding how microbiomes are structured and controlled using high-throughput sequencing and computational tools.
LinkedIn  Publications  Email
Albina Khasanova
Albina Khasanova
Affiliate Graduate Student
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Research Assistant at The University of Texas at Austin
Research in Northen Lab:
Researching the impact of genetics and environment on plant roots and shoots.
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Andrea Kuftin
Andrea Kuftin
Senior Research Associate
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Senior Research Associate at Sanofi
Research in Northen Lab:
As part of the Metabolomics group at JGI, we characterize the metabolite profile of organisms to gain insight and create linkages between sequence and function.
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Cathelijne Lamboo
Cathelijne Lamboo
Affiliate Graduate Student
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Metabolic Disease Analyst at Amsterdam UMC
Research in Northen Lab:
Investigated bacterial growth through growth assays and exometabolomics
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Rebecca Lau
Rebecca Lau
Research Assistant
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Scientist at Vividion Therapeutics
Research in Northen Lab:
Exchange and cycling of nutrients – the stability and health of soils.
Johan Leveau
Johan Leveau
Visiting Principle Investigator
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Principle Investigator at Leaveau Lab
Research in Northen Lab:
Understanding plant health and disease from studying plant-microbe interactions at micrometer scales
Leveau Lab
Hanneke Leegwater
Hanneke Leegwater
Research Intern
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
PhD candidate at the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
Research in Northen Lab:
Developing MAGI
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Carolina Leguina
Carolina Leguina
Affiliate Graduate Student
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
CONICET Scholarship in Pilot Plant for Microbiological Industrial Processes (PROIMI)
Research in Northen Lab:
Determining relationships between copper, quorum sensing, and the rhizosphere microbes
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Kyle Lewald
Kyle Lewald
Student Assistant
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Probe Design Scientist at Advanced Cell Diagnostics
Andrea Lubbe
Andrea Lubbe
Postdoctoral Fellow
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Senior Scientist at Brightseed
Research in Northen Lab:
Designing synthetic microbial consortia
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Connie Ly
Connie Ly
Administrative Support
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Purchasing & Accounts Payable at REVA Medical, LLC.
Maximino Manzanera
Maximino Manzanera
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
University Professor at the University of Granada
Research in Northen Lab:
Visiting professor from the University of Granada in Spain studying plant growth promotion and microbial interactions.
Ritesh Mewalal
Ritesh Mewalal
Post-Doctoral Researcher
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Senior Scientific Engineering Associate at Berkeley Lab
Research in Northen Lab:
Investigating plant-microbe interactions to increase agricultural production
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Kate Miller
Kate Miller

About Me
Margarita Ros Munoz
Margarita Ros Munoz
Affiliate, visiting researcher
Andrew Osborn
Andrew Osborn
Postdoctoral Researcher
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Natural Products Chemistry Scientist II at Hexagon Bio
Research in Northen Lab:
Genome mining of secondary metabolites
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Manuel Porcar
Manuel Porcar
Visiting scientist: University of Valencia and CEO of Darwin BioProspecting
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Lab leader at University of Valencia and CEO of Darwin Bioprospecting Excellence
Research in Northen Lab:
Microbiome metabolomics of solar panels in berkeley vs valencia
LinkedIn  Publications
Nicholas Saicheck
Nicholas Saicheck
Postdoctoral Scholar
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Senior Manager BioA Development and Innovation at Labcorp Drug Development
Research in Northen Lab:
High-throughput approaches for investigation of microbial interactions within synthetic microbial communities
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Yasmeen Sawyer
Yasmeen Sawyer
Administrative Support
About Me
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Joelle Schlapfer
Joelle Schlapfer
Post-Doctoral Researcher
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
SNF Prima Professor at University of Zurich
Research in Northen Lab:
Plants interactions with beneficial and pathogenic microbes
Sarah Shehata
Sarah Shehata

About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Scientist at Abbott
Research in Northen Lab:
Utilizing MZmine and QIIME
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Leslie Silva
Leslie Silva
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Director of Analytical Chemistry at Ava Winery  
Research in Northen Lab:
Understanding microbial metabolism can help us understand soil metabolites and how microbes live in communities (JGI Metabolomics User Program)
LinkedIn  Publications
Anita Silver
Anita Silver
Research Intern
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
PhD Candidate at Duke BME
Research in Northen Lab:
Quantifying interactions between microbes using exometabolomic data
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Tami Swenson
Tami Swenson
Scientific Engineering Associate
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Study Director at Labcorp Drug Development
Research in Northen Lab:
Microbial nutrient cycling in soil
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Jane Tanamachi
Jane Tanamachi
Administrative Assistant
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Program Manager at Lawrence Berkeley National Labs
Catriona Thompson
Catriona Thompson
Affiliate Postdoc Visitor
About Me
Connor Tomaka
Connor Tomaka
Research Associate
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Computational Microbiome Researcher at University of California, San Francisco
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Daniel Treen
Daniel Treen
Research Assistant
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Data Scientist at Enveda Biosciences
Research in Northen Lab:
Custom Metabolomics Analysis Tools
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Marc Van Goethem
Marc Van Goethem
Postdoctoral Researcher
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Postdoctoral Researcher at KAUST (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology)
Research in Northen Lab:
Linking metagenomics and metabolomics in soil biocrust
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Tim Veth
Tim Veth
Student Assistant
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Master’s Student at Utrecht University
Michelle van Winden
Michelle van Winden
Student Assistant
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Plant Science Master’s Student at Wageningen University & Research
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Hayden Veytia
Hayden Veytia
Student Assistant
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Graduate Student at Reed College
Forrest Vogel
Forrest Vogel
Student Assistant
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Loyola Marymount University
Research in Northen Lab:
Building fabricated ecosystems
Hunter Vogel
Hunter Vogel
Student Assistant
About Me
Michael Vu
Michael Vu
Research Assistant
About Me
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LinLin Wang
LinLin Wang
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Graduate student from Jinan University
Research in Northen Lab:
Molecular recognition and interaction between triphenyltin and amino acids, inactive proteins, and active proteins of Bacillus thuringiensis.
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Katherine Whiting
Katherine Whiting
Student Assistant
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
University of Edinburgh, Master’s degree program in neuroscience
Research in Northen Lab:
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Jordan Wilson
Jordan Wilson
Undergraduate Student Assistant
About Me
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Edi Wipf
Edi Wipf
Post-Doctoral Researcher
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Postdoctoral Scholar, Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology Division at Berkeley Lab
Research in Northen Lab:
Characterizing the role of drought and heat stress, plant domestication, agricultural soil management practices, and host genome duplication on microbiome assembly of several different crop plants.
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Jinshao Ye
Jinshao Ye
Visiting Professor
About Me
Research in Northen Lab:
The role of microbes in bioremediation processes
Kateryna Zhalnina
Kateryna Zhalnina
Scientist, Berkeley Lab
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Research Scientist at Berkeley Lab
Research in Northen Lab:
The role of microorganisms in the rhizosphere priming of soil organic matter decomposition
LinkedIn  BioSciences  Publications  Email
Qing Zheng
Qing Zheng
Post-Doctoral Researcher
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Project Scientist at UC Davis
Research in Northen Lab:
Host-microbe interactions in biocrusts
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Katherine Lyubchenko
Katherine Lyubchenko
Student Assistant
About Me
Research in Northen Lab:
Conducting metabolomic discovery and analysis of the synthesis of key molecules using mass spectroscopy, genomic, and CRISPR techniques.
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Ozioma Anyanwu
Ozioma Anyanwu
Student Assistant
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
University of Berkeley Undergraduate Student
Research in Northen Lab:

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Ying Wang
Ying Wang
Post-Doctoral Researcher
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
Assistant Professor at Texas A&M University
Research in Northen Lab:
Research soil microbiomes using synthetic ecology, metabolomics, proteomics, isotope, and modeling
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Benjamin Walker-Edwards
Benjamin Walker-Edwards
Student Assistant
About Me
Post-Northen Lab:
University of Berkeley Undergraduate Student
Research in Northen Lab:

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