Northen Lab researchers Vlastimil Novak, Peter Andeer, Benjamin Bowen, Yezhang Ding, Kateryna Zhalnina, Connor Tomaka, Thomas Harwood, Michelle van Winden, Amber Golini, Suzanne Kosina, and Trent Northen, are authors on a new paper recently published in Science Advances in January 2024, titled “Reproducible growth of Brachypodium in EcoFAB 2.0 reveals […]
The Northen Lab recently hosted two interns from the Netherlands’ Wageningen University, Michelle Van Winden and Cathelijne Lamboo. Our lab’s connection with Wageningen University began when 40 PhD students from the Microbiology and the Systems and Synthetic Biology Departments visited the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab’s Joint Genome Institute in June […]
The Northen Lab continues to support and promote STEM outreach and education at the Berkeley Lab, participating in the Berkeley Lab Director’s Apprenticeship Program (BLDAP) for the fourth consecutive year in the summer of 2023. BLDAP is a 6-week, project-based STEM program for high school students, prioritizing underrepresented groups from […]
Northen Lab members Ying Wang, Vlastimil Novak, Pete Andeer, Amber Golini, and Kshitiz (KZ) Gupta are participating in the Berkeley Lab Director’s Apprenticeship Program (BLDAP), which is a high school STEM program designed to help students improve their research skills, learn about LBL, and develop a network with STEM professionals. […]
The Northen group is excited to support the Berkeley Lab Director’s Apprenticeship Program (BLDAP) for a second year in the summer of 2021! BLDAP provides an opportunity for underrepresented public high school students (including African Americans, American Indians/Alaska Natives, Latinos, LGBTQ+, students from low income households, and first-generation college attendees) […]